Saturday, May 11, 2013

Being a mother is a gift of nature

A new Baby makes a mother out of a woman.  They say "A mother is born as soon her child is born".  

Yes, that is very true.  There is another side to being a mother and that is a "nurturer".  Some women are never really good Mothers to their kids and then there are some that are mothers/nurturers to everyone around them.  Guess nature makes them this way.  

I was raised by a Single mother, who sacrificed every tiny privilege to send me to a "good" school, according to her financial comfort at that time.  My Mom would deprive herself of buying a new saree or a piece of jewelry and make sure that my school fees was paid on time.  My Mom would not go out to eat or for a movie or indulge in any activity where she would need to spend money for her comfort or anything that would be leisure.  Her only focus was to send me to a "private school" and give me the best of education and make sure that there was food everyday.

We never had the luxury of buying new clothes or shoes or anything other than what ever was absolutely necessary.  How my Mom managed her finances I have still never understood.  She always had money for our basic needs and nothing more, nothing less.

My Mom and I never got along yet our bond has been very strong.  My mother does not ever need to tell me that she is unwell or she has any problem.  I will always know when she has any issue and the same with her.  Sometimes, we are both unwell at the same time having a pain in the same body part or some such thing.

My Mom is now pretty old and all differences that I ever had with her are now gone.  

When I was younger I used to always promise myself that I will be a better mother than my Mom. Unfortunately for me I never got a chance to be a Mom so all my dreams of giving all the love, care and understanding remain dreams.

In each and every relationship that I have ever had, I was always a nurtured others knowingly or unknowingly.  I guess that was natures way of informing me something that I never understood.

I strongly believe that Being a mother is a Huge Gift of Nature.  Imagine a woman gets a chance to bring a new life into this world.  The Woman has the power to make her child the best human being.  The woman has this huge gift from nature to love endlessly.

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